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FCOS ORCHID TALKS: Chris Ehrler "Pleurothallids: A Photographic Journey"

Chris earned his Master's Degree in Marine Biology in 1976 and since then has worked as an environmental consultant in marine biology and permit compliance issues for a wide variety of clients. Chris and his wife Betsy have lived in Grover Beach since 1976, and they have two sons and two grandsons who also live in the area. Chris’ mom always had cymbidiums in the back yard but she did not grow any other orchids because they were 'too difficult to grow'. Chris purchased his first orchid (a small red one) at the Five Cities Orchid Society (FCOS) show about 20+ years ago, but at some point-in-time it ended up in the compost pile along with a number of others that found their way there through the years. He has been the president of the FCOS three times. For a number of years, Chris along with Jeffrey Thompson (FCOS member) have set up Ecuagenera's display at the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. His presentation will be a series of photos of a variety of species of the subtribe Pleurothallidinae (pleurothallids) he has taken of his collection, in San Francisco Bay Area greenhouses, at a wide variety of shows, and while orchid hunting Ecuador and Colombia. The presentation will also include cultural information about growing orchids that are in this group.