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FCOS ORCHID TALKS: Scott McGregor "Pushing Limits: Growing Orchid's Outdoors in a Coastal CA Climate"

Coastal California, with its favorable climate, is an ideal location to grow hundreds of orchid species outdoors.  This is the story of an experiment to push the limits on what might be possible to grow, with a number of surprising outcomes.  From this talk you’ll learn about some beautiful new species you can grow and some tips/techniques on outdoor growing.

Scott McGregor has been growing orchids since he was 12, when a neighbor gave him a plant.  That plant had a short life, but the hook was set, and he found books and sources for orchid species while growing up in St. Louis.  His collection has changed over time, living in different location around the world, but has always centered around the more unusual species.  Scott grows all his plants outdoors, without a greenhouse, just "adding some water and shade" to what nature provides in Southern California.  He especially enjoys finding new species that grow well in our climate (many are far more adaptable than most people would believe), and now grows over 500 different orchid species, along with cloud forest companion plants such as Heliamphora and epiphytic Utricularia.  He rarely uses chemical insecticides or fungicides, preferring fresh air, beneficial insects and our native tree frogs.  Scott retired from the corporate world a few years ago and stays active on corporate boards and working with non-profit groups that promote science education for kids.  He resides with his family in San Juan Capistrano, California.